Sunday, September 29, 2013

3 Things to Remember How to Face the Giants

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In 2003, Grant Taylor (Alex Kendrick) is a high school football coach with a mediocre record. After several poor seasons, the Shiloh Eagles are considering replacing him as head coach. This is not the only problem Taylor is facing; his car is breaking down, the players' fathers are trying to replace him as head coach with assistant coach Brady Owens, and he discovers that he is the reason that his wife Brooke cannot become pregnant.

He creates a new coaching philosophy and decides to praise God, no matter what the result. At the same time he guides and urges each one of his players to give the maximum effort, and motivates them to believe they can win under God's guidance. From that point on, he loses only one game but eventually goes on to win the state championship. His prayers for children are also answered, as two years later, Grant and his wife have children of their own.



Great Leaders NEVER GIVE UP on themselves as well with the team members. Things will not always be easy for leaders but the most important thing is to always believe that everything is just the process of having the best results of what the leader really wanted for the team. Don't stop believing that after hardship there is always great things waiting for us. Same with the God who never ever give up on us. 

Great Leaders NEVER BACK DOWN and as they always say "there's no turning back". We should always have the courage to face the challenges of the battle of life, and the struggles and issues of having committed as a leader of a team. Always to ask God to shower us the wisdom and courage to be able to win the challenges you as leader may encounter.

Great Leaders NEVER LOSE FAITH the most important thing a leader must have. As quote says "You gotta faith until you make it.". To be faithful to God. It's not trust or believe, it must be trust AND believe in God. That's why is called being faithful. It must be a power of two.It's must be full.  

I believe that everyone will be able to relate to this movie. It addresses many issues that we have all had to deal with, from a Biblical stand. The movie will bring you from tears to laughter in a matter of seconds and is easily one of the best movies I have seen.Watch and be inspired as leader and how simple steps and big faith can conquer the fears one may have.

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